[Sold] 2028 Godwin – Garfield Park
2028 Godwin – Garfield Park
Here’s a nice success story. Pete assisted our buyer Shanee in purchasing this home in 2016. We’d been outbid maybe 10-15 times on other homes due to our FHA financing, the search was starting to feel a little demanding on time and resources. This home had some issues with peeling paint and overall appeal, but it had the potential to be a great home. Because of that, they hadn’t received any initial offers and we were able to receive offer acceptance, with the understanding that we as buyers would handle any FHA concerns that came up. Pete called Tig Painting and helped coordinate the soffits being painted and the home passed the FHA appraisal inspection. Due to unforseen circumstances two years later, the home had to be sold. We worked together through a list of light improvements to prep the home for sale, and we are able to sell within 2 years and minimal updates for a gain of $25,000.