New Grand Rapids 311 Mobile Application Reports City Nuisances
(note: search for “Grand Rapids 311” in Android marketplace)
City of Grand Rapids Deploys MyGRCity311 Mobile Application for Customer Service
City of Grand Rapids Information Technology Director Paul Klimas demonstrated the City’s new mobile application for iPhone and Android Smartphones at a meeting of the Grand Rapids City Commission Tuesday.
The new GRCity311 makes it possible for anyone with an iPhone or Android Smartphone to report pot holes, graffiti, street light problems, and a wide range of other issues from anywhere in the City’s service area. Reports are submitted directly into the City’s Citizen Request Management systems and integrate with the operations work management solutions, giving city workers the information they need to fix the problem quickly. Citizens receive a ticket number allowing them to track progress and receive notice when the reported matter is resolved.
Grand Rapids has had great success with web-based solutions. City residents take great pride in area neighborhoods and businesses. GRCity311 empowers the Grand Rapids community to become the eyes and ears of the city.
The application can be downloaded from the Android Market Place and the iPhone App Store.