
Grand Rapids MI: #1 City in the US to Buy Real Estate in 2016

Forbes Magazine has been keeping the Grand Rapids, MI graphic in their “Frequently Used” cache over the past few years. The latest list may be the best one yet.

If you’d like to invest in Grand Rapids Michigan, please contact me. I can offer guidance on purchases, and Life Cycle Property Management can manage the property in a sustainable and affordable way that also contributes to the wellness of our beloved town.

Click the graphic to read the full story:

Grand Rapids: "Best City to Invest in Housing in 2016"

Grand Rapids: “Best City to Invest in Housing in 2016”

Grand Rapids MI: Almost the Best Place to Own a Home

According to this survey published on, the Grand Rapids area is the second-best place in the US to own a home. A local poll shows that residents are pretty happy with second place, but we’re still coming for you Denver.

Here are the stats.

best place

Awards Week

In the spirit of Awards Week, in which we have last night’s Grammys as well as the Jammies hosted by WYCE in Grand Rapids this Friday, Trulia decided to recognize me with a badge that places me, Pete Bruinsma, among the top 1% of Realtors.

In the Realty business, we take what we can get–certificates, designations, badges, plaques, trophies, star ratings, reviews, Christmas cards–So in the spirit of Awards Week, I humbly submit my award to you all, and send my congratulations to all other award winners.


Grand Rapids MI Only Midwest Metro in Top 25 Best-Performing Cities

Grand Rapids Michigan moved up on the list of Best-Performing Cities this year from #48 to #25, becoming the only Midwest metro on the list. Other Cities in the top 25 include San Francisco (#1), Austin (#2), Denver & Boulder (#13 & 14), Portland (#16), San Diego (#22) and Charlotte (#23).

The Milken Institute is “a nonprofit, nonparitsan economic think tank” that “works to improve lives around the world by advancing innovative economic and policy solutions that create jobs, widen access to capital, and enhance health.”



“GRAND RAPIDS–WYOMING, MICHIGAN, vaulted 23 places to 25th place, becoming the only Midwest metro in our Top 25. Strong job growth, which was 7 percent above the national average in 2012-13, coupled with recent wage growth contributed to the metro’s improved showing.

“Building on the existing manufacturing base, jobs are beginning to return to the Grand Rapids-Wyoming metro after a sharp drop in employment during the recession. The metro lost more than 10,000 manufacturing positions between 2008 and 2009, and was still slightly below 2008 levels of sector employment in 2013. However, the machinery manufacturing sector added 1,291 jobs between 2008 and 2013, with half of those jobs added in 2013. The fabricated-metal manufacturing sector also added jobs–637 in 2013–and this recent momentum is creating a sense of optimism.

“Firstronics, which provides electronics manufacturing services and focuses on contract medical-device manufacturing, announced in late 2013 that it would add 110 jobs and committed to a $2.45-million expansion in Grand Rapids.”

What’s Your Neighborhood Score? New GVSU Data Released

A long term project of GVSU, overseen by Jeremy Pyne, geographic information systems manager at the Johnson Center, has just released new data on neighborhoods in West Michigan.

You can compare your neighborhood score to others in town, even output a custom report based on a specific home’s location.



The first phase of the CRI Community Profiles 2.0 aims to build upon CRI’s existing work in housing and economics within the City of Grand Rapids and to further the development and use of neighborhood information and data systems in local policymaking and community building.

This tool allows you to:

  • Map housing and economic patterns within a community or neighborhood
  • Compare multiple neighborhoods and indicators simultaneously
  • Trend information over time and across geographies
  • Score neighborhoods based on multiple indicators
  • Generate profile reports for your defined or customized geographic areas; and
  • Save all of your work through a registered account for future access.

Grand Rapids Makes Forbes List of Top 10 Cities for Finding Employment

Full Article Link HERE

According to Forbes Magazine, Grand Rapids is one of the best places in the US in which to find employment.

Recently, Forbes also named Grand Rapids the #1 Best City for Raising a Family.




TV’s “This Old House” names Grand Rapids’ Heritage Hill a 2011 Best Old House Neighborhood

Thanks Rapid Growth Media: ARTICLE
This Old House: FULL ARTICLE


Photo: Courtesy of the Heritage Hill Association touts Grand Rapids’ historic Heritage Hill neighborhood as one of the top 12 “old house neighborhoods” in the country for sustaining a sense of place in a storied residential area, and the best Old-house neighborhood in Michigan.


Why Buy Here?
Though short sales and foreclosures haven’t hit Grand Rapids (long the center of the office-furniture industry) as they have Detroit and other automotive cities, the down market hasn’t overlooked Heritage Hill. Today, you can grab the former castle of a lumber baron or wealthy judge—and walk from home to work in the city’s center—for what amounts to pocket change in other places.

Read the complete story here.