
Donate to help build Pleasant Park in Heritage Hill

Pleasant Park Donation Page

The City will be applying for a DNR Trust Fund grant in March, 2011. That grant requires a 25% local match. Before we turn to our local foundations for help with the match, we want to show the great local support from the people who will be using this green space. We need you to be part of the park by investing in your park.

New Park Slated for Heritage Hill

From the Facebook page: “The parking lot at the corner of Madison and Pleasant is on its way to being converted to a park. The land has been acquired by the City of Grand Rapids in a three-way land swap deal with Kenty County and DeVries Development. The Feb. 20 design charette produced a beautiful plan for the site. Now it will be added to the City’s master plan for parks. But that’s not the end; it’s just the beginning. Now we need to make sure this beautiful idea becomes a reality.”

More at Friends of Grand Rapids Parks.