Some 400,000 people will pay a visit to downtown Grand Rapids over the next month. It’s hard to avoid Art Prize Fever, especially with the “Ninkasi, Goddess of Beer” installation (by Kolenda) at the new Founders Tap Room! I don’t have any more 2013 spoilers for you, but here are some links to a few national and local ArtPrize articles, as well as a few of my favorite photos from 2012.
“Ninkasi, Goddess of Beer”
at Founders Brewing, 2013
Art Prize Articles
The Rapidian: Some of the Best ArtPrize Coverage, Written by Citizen Journalists
MLIVE: Art Prize by the Numbers
Grand Rapids Press: Archive
Time Magazine: Five Festive Events You Won’t Want to Miss in 2013
GQ: So You Think You Can Paint
Wall Street Journal: Critical Mass
New York Times: West of Chelsea: A Local ArtPrize?
BBC: Oil Painting Wins $250,000 Prize
MLIVE: Is Music Art?
Examiner: Synopsis
Washington Post: Travel
Markdahle: Tips for Visiting ArtPrize
Here are some photos I took in 2012