The “What’s My Home Worth” Troll

“What’s My Home Worth?” A marketing hook equally brilliant and meaningless. A report automatically generated with the click of a button gives you a round number based on municipal records and sometimes other general data. What it accomplishes effectively is adding your name to a list of contacts that is sent to those who offer to pay for it.

Magic Home Evaluation Button

Magic Home Evaluation Button

Why not make the most important decision in the home selling process for yourself: Which local listing agent will you choose to hire? 

“Free Market Evaluations” do exist. These are a basic, stage-one component of what your agent of choice will do for you, usually with 12-24 hours. Insight varies depending on the agent. 

Thinking of selling? Good timing! I’d like to offer you a free, personalized market report on your home. Then we can meet to discuss its implications, have a Q&A, and talk proactive strategy. 

Here are links to my most recent listings and their results:

407 College SE
Listed $249,900, Sold Full Price, Discount for Inspections issues, $248,700, 3 Offers
Facilitated cleaning and refinishing hardwood floors.

110 East Elm
List $114,900, Sold $120,000, 3 Offers

1435 Colorado
List $127,000, Sold $129,900
Facilitated cleaning, painting, and refinishing hardwood floors

130 Ann Street
List $110,000, Sold $111,650, 2 Offers

321 Diamond NE
List $147,000, Sold $155,000, 5 Offers

505 Cherry SE #203
We purchased for $109,900 in 2014
Sold for $127,000 in 2015.

Services I Offer:
Analysis, Repairs & Renovation through my company, Advice on Staging, Advice on your next step

Referrals I Offer:
Staging, Major Repairs, Appraisals, Lenders