
TV’s “This Old House” names Grand Rapids’ Heritage Hill a 2011 Best Old House Neighborhood

Thanks Rapid Growth Media: ARTICLE
This Old House: FULL ARTICLE


Photo: Courtesy of the Heritage Hill Association touts Grand Rapids’ historic Heritage Hill neighborhood as one of the top 12 “old house neighborhoods” in the country for sustaining a sense of place in a storied residential area, and the best Old-house neighborhood in Michigan.


Why Buy Here?
Though short sales and foreclosures haven’t hit Grand Rapids (long the center of the office-furniture industry) as they have Detroit and other automotive cities, the down market hasn’t overlooked Heritage Hill. Today, you can grab the former castle of a lumber baron or wealthy judge—and walk from home to work in the city’s center—for what amounts to pocket change in other places.

Read the complete story here.

Donate to help build Pleasant Park in Heritage Hill

Pleasant Park Donation Page

The City will be applying for a DNR Trust Fund grant in March, 2011. That grant requires a 25% local match. Before we turn to our local foundations for help with the match, we want to show the great local support from the people who will be using this green space. We need you to be part of the park by investing in your park.

Urban Garden Tour

Saturday June 19

Open the garden gate to the 3rd Annual Heritage Hill Garden Tour on June 19, 2010. Tour 11 gardens in an historic, urban neighborhood and appreciate Grand Rapids’ architectural heritage along your stroll. View a mix of gardens that capture the sights of the city and feature ponds, pergolas, statues, fountains, cobblestone paths and islands of color. Gardens are open from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Advance tickets are $8.00 and are available at the Heritage Hill Association, 126 College SE or click on “Buy Now”, choose the quantity of tickets you want and we will mail them to you.

Tickets on June 19 are $10.00 and available only at the ticket booth at the Association for the Blind offices, 456 Cherry SE.